To ensure the health & safety of personnel and assets as best we can

  1. All employees, contractors and visitors at our locations.
  2. All employees and contractors when traveling on company work / business, as well as those that maybe affected by the actions of our personnel.
  3. Ensuring we have in place safe systems of work, that remove/reduce hazards and control risks as far as reasonably practical; with the necessary supervision and control mechanisms in place.
  4. Maintenance of a working environment that is safe with risks to health minimized.

5. Provision of adequate facilities and arrangements for employee welfare at work  

6. Providing plant, machinery, equipment and vehicles, whether owned or leased in conditions that are safe and comfortable, minimizing risks to health. Also have in place systems for inspections and preventative maintenance to ensure safe functioning of the same

7. Ensure a safe means of access to, movement within and departure from workplace

8. Employees to take ownership for the H&S initiative and be pro-actively involved in implementation of the same.

9. Try our best to protect the environment by minimizing our carbon footprint; using alternate fuels, recycling, reusing and conserving.